- U.S EPA-approved, 24-hour test for drinking, wastewater and source waters.
- International approvals include AOAC, IBWA and EBWA.
- Millions of tests performaed worldwide every year.
- Ease of use simplifies training.
- Unit-dosed packaging eliminates media preparation.
- No repeat testing due to clogged filters or heterotrophic interference.
- Quality Control (QC) procedure can be done in 15 minutes.
- Less than 1 minute of hands-on time.
- Detects coliforms and E.coli simultaneously in 24 hours or less.
- No confirmations needed.
- No glassware cleaning or colony counting.
- Identifies E.coli specifically, eliminating unnecessary public notification due to non-target organisms.
- Suppresses up to 2 million heterotrophs per 100 ml.
- Eliminates the subjective interpretation found in traditional methods.
- Detect a single viable coliform or E.coli per sample.
- Minimizes evening and weekend work.
- Up to 12-month shelf life at room temperature.
- Can be used for presence/absence (P/A) or quantification testing with Quanti-Tray and Quanti-ray/2000.
- The Colilert Test is also available predispensed in 10ml. Most Probable Number (MPN) tubes.