D2mini Microbial ID/AST System Features
- D2mini Microbial ID/AST System Features
- D2mini database is updated with the latest CLSI/EUCAST.
- Selective and cascade reporting(A/B/C/U groups) for encouraging appropriate antibiotics use by giving true MIC values and interpre-tation results according to the latest CLSI M100 regulation. Integrated with reader and Analyzer (inner computer).
- LIS and WHONET support.
- Multi-language interface. Easy to understand and operate.
- Enhances efficiency in complex labs by analyzing drug resistance, susceptibility rates, and data through statistical functions.
This system is used to identify the common clinical pathogens and report TRUE MIC value according to latest CLSI and EUCAST.
Microbial ID/AST Card Features
- Test principle: (1) Colorimetry for identification; (2) Turbidime-try for susceptibility testing.
- DL IST card can identify microbes as “Species” and even “Sub-species”.
- DL IST card covers nearly 200 types of antibiotics with multi-lev-el concentration, up to 9-dilution for giving TRUE MIC value.
- Combo test cards deliver more rigorous and accurate results.
- Multi-drug resistance minitoring: MRSA, β -lac, VRE, VRSA, HLAR, ESBLs etc.
- Card type: ID/AST combo card & AST(MIC) card.
