Quanti-Tray System
- No media preparation.
- No pipetting.
- No dilutions (for counts up to 200 with Quanti-Tray; 2,419 with Quanti-Tray/2000; and up to 2,272 wit Quanti-Tray Legiolert).
- Less than 1 minute of hands-on time.
- Results in 24 hours or less (7 days for Legiolert).
- No confirmations necessary.
- Detects down to one organism per 100 ml.
- 95% confidence limits better than 5- or 10-tube Most Probable Number (MPN).
- 95% confidence limits better than or comparable to membrane filtration (MF).
Cost Effective
- Minimal equipment to purchase and maintain.
- No glassware to purchase and clean.
- Minimal bench space needed.